Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Practice Quizzes

You will get 1.5 points of extra credit for every Quiz that you complete and email to me (dmosley@piasabirds.net) before we take the test.

Angle and Degree Measurement

6 Trig Ratios and Unit Circle

Radians, Standard Position Open Quiz 5.1  {I found a mistake on one of their answers}

6 Trig Functions and Unit Circle # 2 Open Quiz 5.3

Conversions Using Radians and Degrees

Converting Degrees to Radians by martin93003

Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle

Evaluating Trig Functions with Unit Circle

Ex: Find Trig Function Values Given the Cosine Value and Quadrant

Find exact value of trig. functions thru a point

Good video but I think he got one of the values wrong.   The first student to figure out which one is wrong and post a response will get 4 extra credit points.

A way to remember the Entire Unit Circle for Trigonometry

A Trick to Remember Values on The Unit Circle

Arc Length in Radians

Arc Length in Degrees

Sector Area

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pre-Calculus Syllabus -